The Code Page

function getUserString() {
    // Get input
    let userString = document.getElementById("userString").value;

    if (userString.length === 0) {"Enter Somthing...Anything!!!");
        } else if (userString.length === 1) {"You gotta put more than one character!!!");
    // use RegEx to remove special char
    let filteredUserString = userString.replace(/[^A-Z0-9]/ig, '');
    // normalize the case
    let casedFilteredUserString = filteredUserString.toLowerCase();

    // Reverse the user's input - separate function
    let revString = reverseString(casedFilteredUserString);

    // compare the inputs - separate function
    let result = comparedStrings(casedFilteredUserString, revString);

    // output result - sep func


function reverseString(str) {
    // declare new string
    let reversedStr = str.split('').reverse().join("");

    return reversedStr;

function comparedStrings(userString, revString) {

    let isPal = isPalindrome(userString, revString);
        // returned an object with values
        return {
        pal: isPal,
        usr: userString,
        rev: revString


function isPalindrome(userString, revString) {
    let bool = true;
    revString.split('').some((l, i) => {
    if (bool === true) {
        let a = userString.charAt(i);
        let b = revString.charAt(i);
        a === b ? bool = true : bool = false;
        return bool === false;
    return bool;

function displayData(result) {
    // output 3 things
    let tableBody = document.getElementById("results")
    tableBody.innerHTML = ""
    let rowTemplate = document.getElementById("tableTemplate");
    const tableRow = document.importNode(rowTemplate.content, true)
    let rowCols = tableRow.querySelectorAll("td");

    // the original
    rowCols[0].textContent = result.usr.toUpperCase();
    // the reversed
    rowCols[1].textContent = result.rev.toUpperCase();;
    // was it a palindrome
    rowCols[2].textContent = result.pal ? "PALINDROME" : "Not a Palindrome";
    if (result.pal)"You've Entered a Palindrome!!")

The code is in multiple functions.


 Main function and fires on the button click.


 Main function and fires on the button click.